Advice that help you sleep better. - Jensen Beds

Advice that help you sleep better.

Sleep is cool

Summer. It's finally here. The sun, the long bright days and the short nights where you toss and turn between bedsheets damp from sweat. As we are ...

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Norwegian dreams

We’d like to welcome you to southern Norway. Where the mountains set the most beautiful backdrop, and where the fjords impress with their pow...

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The importance of REM-sleep

World Sleep Day 18 March 2022

The importance of REM-sleep
by Truls Hotvedt

During the night our brain takes us through several phases of sleep; li...

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Sleep in the heat of Summer

Most people prefer cool air in the bedroom and have difficulties falling asleep when the Summer heat arrives. We have asked Jensen Beds´ own ...

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3 tips for better sleep

Sleep is extremely important. Statistically, we sleep a third of our lives. A good night's sleep is crucial for our quality of life and health - bo...

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Double bed

Is it time for a new double bed? A mattress that has seen better days will no longer provide the support your back needs.

Jensen Beds has been man...

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Adjustable freedom

Once you have tried an adjustable bed, you will probably not want to go back to a regular bed. An adjustable bed gives you greater freedom. Never b...

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Travel Tips

The summer is here and there is so much that we want to do during our vacation. But, to be able to achieve our sunny goals we continuously need to ...

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