Norwegian dreams -

Norwegian dreams

We’d like to welcome you to southern Norway. Where the mountains set the most beautiful backdrop, and where the fjords impress with their power. This is where our story began 77 years ago. The Jensen family started the furniture production in 1947, just two years after the Second World War ended. Materials were limited in 1947, but ambition was not. From the production of the first mattresses, the aim was to give everyone who chose Jensen the best possible sleep. And today, 77 years from the start, this still hasn’t changed.

We believe you should never be held back because you are tired

We believe you should never be held back because you are tired, so we have worked tirelessly to learn everything we can about sleep, physiology, and materials. And even though our knowledge earned us the trust of customers far from our home in Norway, we never forget where we come from.  Our factory is located in Svelvik. It’s a place for hard work, craftsmanship passed through generations and the sleep of your dreams. And through the years, we have come to an insight. Increasing your sleep quality (helping you to less toss and turn, reduced stress or eased pain) is what continue to inspire us. Because sleep is not something that’s reserved for the night. It’s what makes your day.  


3 routines for better sleep

1. Listen to binaural music to wind down
"Wind down phase,” - routine 507 
Listen to binaural music to wind down before going to sleep. It can help you in slowing down activity level in your brain, heart beat and blood pressure. As a result you should be able to fall asleep faster and get to deep sleep quicker. Listening to music in general distracts you from anxious thoughts, reduces cortisol levels and reduces / relieves acute and chronic physical pain. It also provides better sleep because the music calms parts of the autonomic nervous system so that breathing becomes slower.

2. Do a physiological sigh
"Awake phase" - routine 813
Try two inhales (one after the other in immediate succession) and a long exhale. It opens up tiny air sacs at the end of our bronchioles (tiny branches of air tubes in the lungs called alveoli) for more CO2 offloading. Repeat for 2-3 times for optimum result.


3. Shift to a panoramic vision every 25/55 minutes
"Awake phase" - routine 810
Take a micro break from your work, move your focused vision away from the screen for a minute or two. Widen your vision and try to see something towards the horizon, if possible. If not, try to see something 6 m (or more) away from you. Try to do it ideally every 25 minutes, otherwise once an hour.