Living alone: smart bedroom and sleeping solutions -

Living alone: smart bedroom and sleeping solutions

As the world changes so too is our view of how to live. The number of single households is increasing especially in urban centres as more and more people prefer an independent lifestyle. We see the same trend here in Scandinavia, as an increasing number of people can now afford to live alone. Two reasons often cited for this growing trend are: some believe their relationship works best if they live apart from their partner while others are focussed on self-realization and feel a life with a potential partner needs to be put on hold for the moment.

The advantages of living alone are many: more time for yourself, no need to make compromises, and you can design and decorate your home to exactly fit your unique needs and style. At the same time, one downside of being a one-person household is that you often have to accept living in a smaller space and need to be more creative in your approach to home design and decoration.  

Better quality of life in the bedroom - regardless of size

Smart decor begins with the bedroom. This is where you get the necessary sleep that provides the basis for a good day. After all, we spend an average of 2,745 hours in bed during a year, so make it count!

Often bedrooms in single households are smaller and place restrictions on available décor options. This isn’t necessarily a disadvantage however since most bedrooms can be made more cozy and more personal with a few simple touches.

The right choice of bed is clearly the first priority. Jensen has a large selection of comfortable single beds that take up little space without compromising on quality. You can also add a functional headboard that improves your sitting position when you, for example, want to sit up and read in bed or watch your favourite series. 

After choosing just the right bed for your physical space and individual sleeping needs, you can build out your personalised sleep solution with matching bedside tables and flexible lighting. Jensen has a good selection of accessories to add that “little extra” to any bedroom.

One last tip is to take the time to focus on maximising your sleep comfort – after all you are decorating for yourself! Once you have found the best combination of comfort and design, you will also sleep extra well at night.