Get your beauty sleep every night – and achieve more during the day -

Get your beauty sleep every night – and achieve more during the day

Quality sleep is crucial if we are to be able to get the most out of life. Apart from sleeping the right number of hours, you also need to sleep on a bed perfectly adapted to your very own body. Jensen’s Ole Myhre is a qualified physiotherapist and works with improving people’s sleep comfort. He has been conducting sleep studies for Jensen beds of Norway for more than 20 years. Here, he offers some tips for getting a better sleep and waking up rested, ready for active days.

“Sleep is a prerequisite for life, an essential state that neither people nor animals can survive without for very long. In the short term, poor sleep leads to difficulties with concentration, mood and makes it hazardous to drive, for example. In the long term, it leads to reduced resistance to illness, accelerates the ageing process, drains us of energy and has all kinds of social consequences,” according to Ole.

“There are various stages of sleep that we go through during the night. It begins with a dozing off phase that is followed by deeper and deeper sleep. Our main aim is to sleep deeply for at least two hours a night. If we fail to get this amount of sleep over a certain period of time, it will affect us negatively. Even if we think that we sleep for the whole night, it might be that we toss and turn excessively in our sleep or noise or other factors affect us, which results in our ‘falling out’ of deep sleep and not being fully rested when we get up in the morning. And those who have a hectic life with career, family and leisure interests understand that sleep is fundamental to having a good day.”

Make demands when you purchase a bed

Ole emphasises that our sleep quality and our sleeping pattern change over the years. This increases our need for a decent bed as we get older. However, it is also important for the younger generation to enjoy good sleep comfort early on. This will follow them into adulthood and lay the foundation for a better life. That is why you must dare to make demands when you purchase a bed, if you want to enjoy more beautiful nights and be more alert during the day.

“Height, weight and body shape are all important factors to consider when you purchase a bed,” Ole believes. A good bed must comfortably support the entire body and keep the spine as straight as possible. Choosing the degree of firmness is important, so take your time when trying out the beds in the store. The mattress should react to impulses so that it is easier for you to move around in your sleep. It is particularly important that your shoulders and hips sink down into the mattress. If your body relaxes, you will not wake up stiff and sore in the morning. A good mattress also reduces the risk of unnecessary strain, back problems and restless sleep.

Find the perfect sleeping position

Jensen’s zone system provides the perfect support for your entire body while you rest and sleep.
In order for you to have a great night’s sleep during which your whole body rests comfortably, Ole and our other experts recommend that you sleep on your side or your back, especially if you have a relatively soft mattress or an adjustable bed. Any other sleeping positions put too much strain on your body. A good tip is to put a pillow under your knees so that your back can relax. If you would still prefer to sleep on your stomach, it is best to choose a firmer mattress to give your body even, comfortable support. Getting used to a new sleeping position often requires a bit of time and practice. Once your body has got used to the new sleeping position, you will discover that you sleep much better and wake up more refreshed - ready for the day ahead!

Did you know? We sleep for:

• 1/3 of our life
• 7,5 hours a day
• 229 hours per month
• 1,3 weeks per month
• 2745 hours per year
• 15,6 weeks per year
• Best at 16-18°C