Choose The Right Bed -

Choose The Right Bed

Choosing the right bed is not always easy. Our range includes a large variety of different beds. The first step is usually to choose between a reversible mattress, a Nordic, a continental divan set or an adjustable bed.


The reversible mattress is the main mattress of our continental and adjustable beds. It can also be just as easily used in an existing bed. It is available with pocket springs from the Jensen Original Zone System.


In addition to our reversible mattresses, Nordic beds is the most  basic in the Jensen range. The Nordic usually features a dual-sprung Jensen pocket spring system with Jensen Pocket on Pocket technology. Furthermore, it has a sturdy  bed frame and can be used in bed steads, either with Jensen legs or together with Jensen Mistral bed stead.

Continental divan set

A continental divan set, featuring Jensen Pocket on Pocket technology offers the very best Jensen sleep comfort. The bed comes with a double mattresses with up to three individual Jensen pocket spring systems. Our continental divan sets can be  available as dual tension. Today’s technology makes this possible whilst maintaining the appearance of a one piece mattress.

Adjustable beds

With an adjustable Jensen bed your bed gets a new function. Its adjustability means you can use it for many activities. The bed features Jensen Pocket on Pocket technology.