Routine No 204 - Mindfulness

Do “The Energizer Bunny” breathing technique.

Start seated or standing and exhale out completely. Take three quick and powerful inhales through the nose, progressively filling up your lungs (the length of the inhales are equal and on your final inhale your lungs should be completely full of air). Exhale out with a big sigh through your mouth. That completes one breath cycle. Aim to complete 36 breath cycles per minute, so each breath takes a little under two seconds to complete. Repeat this pattern for 1-2 minutes and notice the difference in how you feel. This may make you feel a little light headed. This is completely natural and everything will return to normal within a matter of seconds, except that you will now feel far more energised!

As the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream increases you will become more alert and feel a sense of mental clarity.