Routine No 505 - Unwind

Relax your body and mind.

Once you are in bed and have switched off the light, try spending 10 minutes on a simple exercise that combines muscle relaxation and breathing. Start by using the 4-7-8 breathing technique to relax and slow down. The method involves taking a deep breath for four seconds, holding it for seven and then exhaling for eight seconds. Repeat this to put yourself in a relaxed state that makes it easier to fall asleep. If necessary, you can also follow up this exercise with progressive muscle relaxation. This involves tensing and then relaxing one muscle at a time. Go through the whole body.

A relaxing breathing exercise, like 4-7-8, helps you go into rest and digest mode. This can help you fall asleep more easily and contribute to better sleep health.

Go to bed when you are tired.Routine No 002 - Sleep schedule

Go to bed when you are tired.

Create a routine for winding down.Routine No 003 - Unwind

Create a routine for winding down.

Warm light in the bedroom.Routine No 301 - Evening light

Warm light in the bedroom.

Dim the lights.Routine No 302 - Evening light

Dim the lights.

Enjoy a healthy nightcap.Routine No 402 - Nutrition

Enjoy a healthy nightcap.

Unwind before you go to bed.Routine No 501 - Relax

Unwind before you go to bed.

Relax and unwind.Routine No 502 - Mindfulness

Relax and unwind.

Take a hot shower or bath before going to bed.Routine No 503 - Unwind

Take a hot shower or bath before going to bed.

Unwind with music.Routine No 504 - Unwind

Unwind with music.

Relax your body and mind.Routine No 505 - Unwind

Relax your body and mind.

Do Yoga-Nidra.Routine No 506 - Stress management

Do Yoga-Nidra.

Listen to binaural music to wind down.Routine No 507 - Stress management

Listen to binaural music to wind down.

Visualize a walk in nature.Routine No 508 - Stress management

Visualize a walk in nature.

De-digitize your evenings.Routine No 601 - Electronic sunset

De-digitize your evenings.

Set a timer on your Wi-Fi router.Routine No 602 - Electronic sunset

Set a timer on your Wi-Fi router.

Keep your heart rate down before bedtime.Routine No 603 - Electronic sunset

Keep your heart rate down before bedtime.

No emails before bedtime.Routine No 604 - Electronic sunset

No emails before bedtime.

Switch on night mode.Routine No 605 - Electronic sunset

Switch on night mode.

Wear glasses that block blue light.Routine No 606 - Electronic sunset

Wear glasses that block blue light.

Simulate sunset before bed.Routine No 707 - Electronic sunset

Simulate sunset before bed.

Do not go to bed if you are angry.Routine No 802 - Stress management

Do not go to bed if you are angry.

Write a gratitude journal.Routine No 803 - Stress management

Write a gratitude journal.

Say that you are not available.Routine No 804 - Stress management

Say that you are not available.

Do not lie awake in bed for long periods of time.Routine No 805 - Stress management

Do not lie awake in bed for long periods of time.

Massage your feet with a tennis ball.Routine No 807 - Stress management

Massage your feet with a tennis ball.

The military method.Routine No 816 - Stress management

The military method.