Keep the summer heat out of your bedroom

Make the most of your summer.

Many of us have been looking forward to the sun and the warmth. However, one thing we easily forget during the winter months is how difficult it can be to sleep in a hot and stuffy bedroom. The temperature in your bedroom is actually something that has a significant impact on your sleep quality. In this newsletter, we will go through some tips on what you can do to sleep better during the brightest and warmest time of the year – and get even more out of your summer.


The right temperature in the bedroom.

What is the perfect temperature for your sleep? The answer varies a little depending on your personal preference, but your bedroom should have a temperature of between 16-18 degrees. It is cool enough for your body to relax and make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep longer. To reach deep sleep, your brain needs to regulate your body temperature by lowering it by one degree – this becomes easier when your bedroom is cool.

 What happens if it is too hot or cold?

When you are too hot, your body has to spend energy to cool you down. It can both make it harder to fall asleep and impair the ability to reach the important sleep stages, deep sleep and REM-sleep. If you instead sleep in an environment that is too cold, your body becomes tense when it tries to store heat – which has the same negative effects on your sleep quality.

What role do your bed and bedding play?

Jensen beds are designed and made with materials that help you regulate your body temperature. The best example of this is our TempSmart products. They are specially adapted to create a perfect climate for sleep. The innovative technology creates a buffer against overheating and cold while absorbing, storing, and releasing excess body heat as needed. Simply comfortable bedding that breathes and helps you sleep well through the entire night.

You can read more about our TempSmart products here:

Jensen TempSmart mattress topper

Jensen TempSmart Protect mattress protection

Jensen TempSmart Pillow 

More tips for better summer sleep:

1. Shut out the sun. Use curtains or blinds that block out all light. It helps you maintain your circadian rhythm and can also help lower the temperature by preventing sunlight from entering during the day.

2. Air conditioning or a fan. When it is really hot, you may need to lower the temperature. Placing a bowl of ice in front of the fan provides even better cooling.

3. If you sleep in a pyjamas – make sure the material breathes so you don't get unnecessarily hot.

4. Take a warm bath before going to bed. The warmth increases blood circulation and helps the core temperature in your body drop faster.

5. Create a routine to wind down in the evening before going to bed. For example, try reading a book instead of exposing yourself to the blue light emitted from screens such as your mobile phone.

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