Routine No 402 - Nutrition

Enjoy a healthy nightcap.

Make a nice cup of herbal tea or a health drink to help you relax. Chamomile tea is a classic, but there are many different varieties to choose from. If you are not lactose intolerant, a glass of hot milk is also beneficial for the production of melatonin which helps you fall asleep. 

Herbal tea has been used for thousands of years as a means to relax. As with all herbal remedies, if you are allergic, consult your doctor before trying it.

Go to bed when you are tired.Routine No 002 - Sleep schedule

Go to bed when you are tired.

Create a routine for winding down.Routine No 003 - Unwind

Create a routine for winding down.

Warm light in the bedroom.Routine No 301 - Evening light

Warm light in the bedroom.

Dim the lights.Routine No 302 - Evening light

Dim the lights.

Enjoy a healthy nightcap.Routine No 402 - Nutrition

Enjoy a healthy nightcap.

Unwind before you go to bed.Routine No 501 - Relax

Unwind before you go to bed.

Relax and unwind.Routine No 502 - Mindfulness

Relax and unwind.

Take a hot shower or bath before going to bed.Routine No 503 - Unwind

Take a hot shower or bath before going to bed.

Unwind with music.Routine No 504 - Unwind

Unwind with music.

Relax your body and mind.Routine No 505 - Unwind

Relax your body and mind.

Do Yoga-Nidra.Routine No 506 - Stress management

Do Yoga-Nidra.

Listen to binaural music to wind down.Routine No 507 - Stress management

Listen to binaural music to wind down.

Visualize a walk in nature.Routine No 508 - Stress management

Visualize a walk in nature.

De-digitize your evenings.Routine No 601 - Electronic sunset

De-digitize your evenings.

Set a timer on your Wi-Fi router.Routine No 602 - Electronic sunset

Set a timer on your Wi-Fi router.

Keep your heart rate down before bedtime.Routine No 603 - Electronic sunset

Keep your heart rate down before bedtime.

No emails before bedtime.Routine No 604 - Electronic sunset

No emails before bedtime.

Switch on night mode.Routine No 605 - Electronic sunset

Switch on night mode.

Wear glasses that block blue light.Routine No 606 - Electronic sunset

Wear glasses that block blue light.

Simulate sunset before bed.Routine No 707 - Electronic sunset

Simulate sunset before bed.

Do not go to bed if you are angry.Routine No 802 - Stress management

Do not go to bed if you are angry.

Write a gratitude journal.Routine No 803 - Stress management

Write a gratitude journal.

Say that you are not available.Routine No 804 - Stress management

Say that you are not available.

Do not lie awake in bed for long periods of time.Routine No 805 - Stress management

Do not lie awake in bed for long periods of time.

Massage your feet with a tennis ball.Routine No 807 - Stress management

Massage your feet with a tennis ball.

The military method.Routine No 816 - Stress management

The military method.